Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Your Disney Guest I.Q.

As demonstrated by this infamous Far Side comic, not everyone chooses to read signs and follow directions. As a travel agent and fellow Disney guest, I'm asking you to please be aware of your surroundings when you are traveling somewhere unfamiliar to you. 

Even if you have read all the books and downloaded all the apps, none of that matters if you can't put your phone down long enough to walk in a straight line

I'm sure most of you are pretty good at navigating your way through the parks without interfering with other people on vacation, but let's see what you would do in certain scenarios around Walt Disney World.

Got a Number 2 pencil handy? Here's a short quiz to find out what kind of a Disney Guest you are:

1) When traveling down Main Street U.S.A. towards Cinderella Castle, do you:
A) Walk at relatively brisk pace with your eyes facing forward so you can see what's going on in front of you ?

B) Wander around as slowly as possible looking up at the windows, looking behind you, and down at your feet?

C) Look down at your phone while walking, while also stopping abruptly to take a picture in the middle of a large crowd?

D) Walk while looking at your phone, occasionally turning to yell to the person behind you?

2) When standing in line for an attraction, if the line starts to move, do you:

A) Pay attention to what is going on in front of you so that you can move up and fill in all available space?

B) Look down at your phone so you don't notice, even when there is a huge gap in front of you?

C) Sit or hang or climb on the railing?

D) Notice the gap in line, but leisurely take your time filling in the space so the people behind you can't move up either?

3) If you are asked not to take pictures or video during an attraction or stage show, do you:

A) Follow the directions, as to not distract the Cast Members or other Guests?

B) Take pictures anyway?

C) Hold your iPhone up during the entire attraction or stage show, so the bright screen is glowing in everyone's face and blocking their view?

D)  Take 'selfies' instead. It's not distracting if it's not of the actual attraction, right?

4) If a Cast Member asks you to "remain seated at all times", do you:

A. Remain seated?

B. Remain seated, but complain loudly the whole time that you want to stand up?

C. Stand up anyway?

D. Stand up and attempt to exit the attraction while it is still in motion?

5) If you are traveling with children, do you?

A) Explain to them ahead of time that they need to follow directions and say "please" and "thank you" and "excuse me" to the people around them?

B) Let them run a muck. It's Disney World. There are no rules, right?

C) Teach them that's it's okay to run around yelling, screaming, throwing, punching, biting, and kicking random strangers?

D) Does there really need to be a "D" for this one?

***Bonus question***

If you bump into someone, you:

A) Say excuse me/pardon me/I'm sorry
B) Say nothing
C) Scowl 
D) Throw your turkey leg at them

Time's up! Pencil's down. Okay, so how'd you do? If you answered "A" to every single question... Congratulations! You get an A+. Thank you for being a well informed and polite Disney Guest!

If you didn't...

Print this quiz out and highlight all of the "A" answers. Memorize them. Laminate them. Put them in your pocket. Quiz your family. Quiz your friends. Seriously. Do whatever you can to inform the people around you so there will be more well informed and polite Disney travelers in the world. The next time you're in Walt Disney World, you'll be glad you did.

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